Women's Retreat Photos
For many years, beginning while Joe Stiles was pastor at Bethel, retreats were held at Edna Tessein's beach home at Cape San Blas. Two large photo albums were made of pictures taken at these retreats along with several other packets of loose photos. The photos shown below are the first of these that have been scanned to digital images.
Photos Provided by Linda Cisne
These are photos provided by Linda Cisne, October 2, 2014, as printed images. They were scanned to provide the digital images below.
Shown here are Edna Tessein, Elizabeth Willis and Mildred Plate, with Effie Scott (left photo) and pastor Barbara Stiles (right photo)
Shown in the left photo are: Joyce Moore, Mildred Plate, Cheryl Ison, Jessica DeVega and Pastor Magrey DeVega.
Julia Hosig and Pat Singletary are also shown in other photos.
At this retreat with pastor Alex Knight, attendees included Mildred Plate, Cheryl Ison, Edna Tessein, Mary ??? and ??????.
Carl and Mildred Plate, in front of Bethel church.